Our Logo
designed to reflect our philosophy around change and our passion for working with parents
In the simplest terms, we believe that change happens when trauma is healed because the symptoms clients experience in their daily life - depression, anxiety, relationship struggles, insecurities - are a result of unprocessed and unresolved trauma. We believe that change occurs through deepening insight around how the past impacts the present and breaking the negative cycles that perpetuate trauma and symptoms of pain and distress. These cycles often go back generations, and have the ability to impact future generations if not healed. Each person then has the power to create the change that frees them of their personal struggles, and has the opportunity to safeguard their family and children from experiencing similar challenges.
Supporting parents, particularly during the early years of a child’s life, feels like a rare opportunity to do preventative work in the mental health field.
The first circle in our logo represents the complex network of generations and systems that impact an individual’s wellbeing and experience of the world. The second circle represents YOU, the client. This circle is broken to illustrate the change that is possible when you do the work to truly break the cycles that have been holding you back - in your relationship to yourself, others and the world around you. The olive leaf symbolizes the hope for the future, a sense of peace that can be embodied in yourself, and gifted to your children and all those that surround you.
We do not take the responsibility we hold as therapists lightly, or the trust you place in us when you choose to begin this work together. We believe it is a privilege to support you and guide you, as we walk alongside you on your journey.
If this resonates, please reach out to connect today