Online therapy in ca & NJ
in person in HERMOSA BEach
Heal the past. Break the cycle.
Build a life you love.
Counseling services for women and couples from preconception through parenthood
This isn’t going the way you expected.
You’re weighed down by stress, consumed with anxiety - wondering when exactly you stopped feeling like yourself.
You know that your path into parenthood hasn’t been easy, but you’ve become overwhelmed by the uncertainty, unable to stop the negative thoughts from spiraling. You feel alone, unseen, and like you’re losing hope.
Your relationship is struggling, too. You know you’re both trying, but you feel like you just keep missing each other.
You’re frustrated by the cycle of misunderstandings and disconnection that have emerged. You know these patterns feel familiar, but you’re not sure how to break free from them to find your way back to the ease and intimacy in your relationship.
Feel better equipped to handle the stressors this time brings.
By understanding the connections between your past and present, you can gain insight into yourself, your patterns and your relationships - and begin to make real, lasting change. I help women and couples in California and New Jersey navigate their transition into parenthood with compassion, connection and clarity.
Using evidence-based and insight-oriented talk therapy grounded in psychodynamic and attachment theory, we’ll work together to uncover the patterns that have been holding you back. Together, you’ll learn how to better handle the stressors this stage brings and build the life you truly desire.
Meet Yael
BREAK FREE FROM THE PAST TO start living the LIFE YOU desire
I believe becoming a parent is one of the most transformative experiences a person goes through in life. Wounds from your past inevitably resurface - and show up in your relationship to yourself and others. I specialize in helping you understand those unconscious connections and heal, so you can create a more authentic, congruent life.
I bring my clinical expertise and my authentic self to my work with clients. I take a compassionate and collaborative approach - offering guidance and gentle challenging when needed - to help you meet this time with acceptance, reflection, and growth. I love working with women and couples who are not afraid to be vulnerable and go deep - they’re the ones who often see the most progress from our work together.
Next Steps
Send us an inquiry and schedule a convenient time to chat.
After learning more about your needs and answering any questions you might have, we’ll get you matched with Yael or another therapist on our team who will be the best fit.
After scheduling your initial session, you'll get invited to our client portal where you can easily complete all the new client paperwork. Then the journey begins.
Meet our team of professional therapists at your service
Yael Sherne
Monica Deyski
Chloe Guhlstorf

Change starts with a call.